Our management software allows us to keep detailed records of history, recommendations and individually tailored maintenance schedules based on the specific needs of each customer and the vehicle they're driving.


At Hillcrest Service you have the opportunity to speak directly to the mechanic working on your vehicle and all repair options are explained and authorization sought, prior to any job completion.


Commercial and fleet accounts are welcomed. We're happy to discuss and outline a service plan to minimize expensive downtime and maximize the longevity of your fleet. Extended shop hours are available Thursday evenings.

Powerful car engine photo

From oil changes, tires and alignments to transmissions and tune ups we welcome the opportunity to gain your trust in servicing your family's cars and trucks.


If you have been satisfied with our towing service after receiving assistance roadside then we invite you to experience what we can offer in our four-bay garage.


Hillcrest offers professional auto repairs and manufacturer approved maintenance for all makes and models. We've recruited experienced and skilled class A technicians and have invested in the tooling and equipment required to diagnose and repair today's highly electronic and complicated automobiles.

Pouring oil into car photo




Our Technicians


Lincoln Kuntz profile photo


Lincoln Kuntz

Shop Foreman

Ford specialized training
& factory certified

Auto Service

Technician since 1998

Email Lincoln



Mike Lucas profile photo


Mike Lucas

20 years at the dealership level

Driveline & Electronic Specialist 

GM specialized training
 & factory certified.



Mark entz profile photo


Mark Entz

Licensed Auto Service
Technician since 1998

Licensed Truck & Coach
Technician Since 1998

Certified Diesel Technician














Marc Arendoque

Auto Service
Technician Apprentice since 2018




Service Menu


Hourly Labour rate



Lube, Oil & Filter Service

Includes multi point inspection, adjust tire pressures, top up fluids, door & hinge lubrication and 5L premium grade oil. (Diesel and Synthetic oil changes vary).


(plus cost of filter)


Synthetic Lube, Oil & Filter Service

Includes multi point inspection, adjust tire pressures, top up fluids, door & hinge lubrication and 5L synthetic oil.


European Synthetic Lube, Oil & Filter Service

Includes multi point inspection, adjust tire pressures, top up fluids, door & hinge lubrication and 5L European spec. synthetic oil. 


(plus cost of filter)





(plus cost of filter)


Ministry of Ontario Safety Standards Certificate

Inspection and issue of certificate. (Any required parts & labour is additional)  


Tire Rotation

Recommended every 10,000 km to promote even wear and extend the life of tires.




Tire Repair

from $34.95


Install and Balance of Tires

from $32.95


Four Wheel Alignment

Includes complete inspection of steering & suspension components.

from $109.95


Brake Inspection and Service

Check brake operation, inspect lining & condition of caliper/wheel cylinder operation & self adjusters. Clean & lubricate pad, caliper slide rails & backing plates. Check parking brake operation, measure and report lining thickness.



Fuel Induction Service

Using specialized equipment and a 3 part chemical cleaning process our technicians will effectively clean fuel injectors, throttle body, intake manifold, ports, valves and combustion chamber. This service will restore lost power, performance, reduce harmful emissions & promote better fuel efficiency.


Full Synthetic Transmission Flush

A safe and effective cleaner is installed to suspend harmful varnish & sludge from the transmission, valve body, torque converter & lines. Using specialized equipment a complete fluid transfusion is performed, flushing out old oxidized fluid and replacing with clean, new fluid with conditioners. This service provides maximum protection for components and fluid.


Coolant Flush

Install flush agent with existing coolant to loosen harmful deposits which reduce heat transfer. Perform complete inspection of the cooling system, attach the necessary equipment to flush & evacuate the entire system of old coolant and re-fill with new OEM quality coolant. Conditioner added for protection against acid formation, corrosion inhibitor, water pump lubricant and sealing agents.



A/C Inspection

Verify vent temperature, comprehensive inspection of all components. Using specialized equipment confirm refrigerant charge and pressures.


Additional Services Recommended: 

  • Driveline Fluid Replacement

  • Brake Fluid Flush

  • Fuel Filter Replacement




Service Intervals can vary upon usage and type of vehicle. Any member of our staff is equipped to answer any questions or recommend what maintenance is required, suggested or what can be deferred.






Book your service appointment online!


Consider pre-booking and scheduling early, so your preferred date and time can be saved. We will text a reminder and confirm when nearing your appointment.


Call 519-662-1750


Service Hours



8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.


8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


